
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Bad Or Good :: essays research papers

Bad or GoodWe live in a arena in which our primary food is the information. Weperceive the outside world by dint of images, and each image has an echo in ourbrain, generating feelings, attitudes and sometimes questions.Although we belong to the aforementioned(prenominal) specie, thousands of differences orsimilarities divide and classify us. Each of us perceives in his take way theinformation he receives. For some of us, some social occasion could be beautiful, forothers the same thing could be ugly. Behind these two words, beautiful and ugly,we can see some other words or, better said, concepts sound and disobedient. But what dogood and bad mean? Do they really exist?On one hand, good and bad are two words that express our opinion in termsof perceived images. We give the images values, which can be, as I already said,good or bad. On the other hand, being so some(prenominal) another(prenominal) types of human beings, it isnormal to be different kinds of perception and inter pretation of information.Therefore, having many people who can interpret things in different ways, it isdifficult for individual to say what is good or bad, and in the same time to turn overhis opinion shared by everyone. Trying to classify, we might come up with aresult that might be true or not, depending on the point of view. In other wordseverything is relative.Paradoxically, when we start thinking we, we display that we actuallyknow almost nothing, or that there are many things left, to be known. On theother hand, the more we know, the more we want to know. This believe of knowingmore and more might be expressed by dint of questions.One big difference that separates the human beings from animals is that

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